Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nom nom nom nom


poached eggs (2)


chicken salad


stir fry, veg a chick

for the past 3 days no joke. same same but different day.



poached eggs (2)


bag-o-nuts and mineral water... baller on a budget

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fast Forward a month...

I'mmmm Baaaaaaaackkkk....

No. The answer is No I have not been eating 100%, shut up - I know. But now I have 3 amigos joining me, and while I am ever to eager to let myself down, I never like letting the team down. So now with 5 weeks to go, I begin....

Breakfast: 10:00 am
2 poached eggs
side of mushies
side of bacon
side of avo

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dont put off today... something something something...

2 white choc and choc chip cookies
long black

1 green apple (because we all know red ones are yuck)-- don't confuse the lack of food as a pathetic attempt to eat well. I am broke and could only find a buck or so in my fanny pack. It was the apple or a pack of mentos... I really did struggle choosing between the two.

Some might say, "Why Laura? Why start documenting your diet on such a shitty example of good health day you fat bastard!", and to that I say one word -- Accountability. I have been putting off 'getting back on track' for weeks, months, too long. So Today while dipping my most amazingly moist and chewy cookies into my long black I pondered... "Laura, who do you think you're kidding?".

TBA but I have a friends birthday so no dout it will be littered with naughty tasty finger foods, alcohol and cake. OMGmatesoexcited.

wow I am a sexy sugary alcoholic beast. rawr. And to put the icing on this horrifically honest cake I shall disclose my weight. 64kgs baybay. That is for my American counter parts 141 lbs.

Now I don't want to start any sort of anything about what weight people should be or are. I don't care. I know what I feel good at and healthy at and I am aiming for that. I felt pretty groovy at 57kgs / 125lbs. If you drew a happy little circle around those figures, I wouldn't mind landing in it.

Above the numbers it actually just about the quality of food I am consuming -- and the effects the food has on my membrain (and my poor boyfriend - love you!).

Better food = better Laura ....
No sugar or processed foods = sexy sane Laura ... toeasy.

So why do I play like it's not easy? -- "Bitch be cool!" -- allllriiiiight. until next time....